About Me

From Experience to Expertise

I am an I-Act Certified Professional Colon Hydrotherapist. I am recognized by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy as a Credentialed Colon Hydrotherapist. I am also a Registered Behavior Technician. I was a client of Colon Hydrotherapy for 7 years before I decided to make it my profession. Colon Hydrotherapy saved my life. I knew it was affective, and I learned from personal experience that it is life-changing.
What differentiates my business from the rest is my personal experience with Colon Hydrotherapy. Colon Hydrotherapy saved my life and changed my life. I practice everything that I preach to my clients, as well as utilize my experience to relate to them and ensure that I am making things comfortable and understandable for them to apply to their everyday lives. I utilize my experience within the mental health field as a Registered Behavior Technician to help my clients make the connection between the mind and gut.

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If you have any requests, or you would like to schedule an appointment, contact me through this form, and I'll respond as soon as possible.